How to book and pay

Before you book your course or event

Things to Check First

Before you book on a course / event or a trip you are advised to:

  • Contact the course / trip organizer via email to check that it is suitable for you
  • You should ensure that you have the appropriate equipment and clothing for the activity involved and / or that you hire it
  • If you are a non-member check that the course/trip is open to you as certain restrictions may apply and you may find it more cost effective to become a member
  • Check the details of the course/trip to ensure that you have all the information you require including, times, meeting place, transport and food arrangements etc
  • Ensure that you are sufficiently fit for the activity involved (please ask the organizer if you are unsure or have any questions)
  • Read through Our terms & conditions covering regulations, insurance, fees and cancellation

Once you are satisfied that you have all of the information then go ahead and make your reservation.


Where can I find course / trip / event information?

Details on each of the courses etc. can be found on our calendar Click Here to View. Please note that during the initial planning stage some information may not be available. In these instances please contact the Organizer.


Our WebCollect online payment system

There may be more than one payment method available to you, depending upon the course / trip or event, although our preferred method of payment is via our WebCollect online booking system.

When the WebCollect payment option is made available for a course / trip you

should see a blue ‘buy’ button that takes you directly to the payment page.

In some instances the exact details of costs maybe unknown and as a consequence the ‘buy’ button may not be available to you. In these instances contact the organizer by email to discuss the preferred method of payment.


Membership Cards

Please note that membership cards should be shown upon arrival at the Charity events / courses.